Once again H.E.A.R.T. Martial Arts and Citizen Schools put on a great WOW! performance. The Spring 2010 semester has been an incredible experience for all and I hope that it has made a lasting impression that will bring back fond memories for years to come.
I want to express how proud I am of the students and their many achievements, including:
- Collecting over 60 pair of shoes for Soles4Souls
- Creating over 50 handmade toys for the JAC Animal Shelter
- Collecting over a 100 pounds of dog food for the JAC Animal Shelter
- Collecting over 50 pounds of cat food for the JAC Animal Shelter
- Writing dozens of letters to our Soldiers overseas
- Creating a 3 course meal for all the residents at the Sierra House Women's Shelter
If that wasn't enough the students also learned:
- Kata 1 - Kihon Sono Ichi
- Kata 2 - Kihon Sono Ni
- Kata 3 - Kihon Sono San
- Kata 4 - Kihon Sono Yon - Well sort of, the students now know in their hearts that they need to practice this kata more but I had to let them at least try it. Perfect practice makes perfect not just practice, you have to do your best every time!
The students learned the value of teamwork and they experienced first hand that they can make a difference in themselves as well as the world around them.
I hope those of you viewing this share it with all your friends and family, please pass the word on about what we are trying to accomplish and remember...
We're Fighting To Make A Difference!
A special thank you to everyone who has helped to make this program possible especially:
Citizen Schools
Mally Beauty
Home Depot Manager Pete Jara and his team
Covered Inc.
Ted Nelson
Ellen McCarty
Miss Amanda
Mr. Bing
Mr. Mark
Mr. Max
Miss Rokshana
Sempai Reverend Aaron
Semapi Alick
Semapi Eva
Sensei Dennis
Judy Chin
David Morhaim
Ed Minto
Marino Gallo`
Rob Faulkner
Fred Lotof
The Ogilvy Gang
Soshu Shigeru Oyama - OSU!
Sensei Jim Hainis
21st Century Skills Addressed: Teamwork, Leadership, Oral Communication
H.E.A.R.T. — Martial Arts — We're Fighting To Make A Difference!
sensei jim will you be doing martial art again next year?